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How to apply?

Simply follow the steps below,


1. Click the button below that says "Download Application Form" to download the registration form in PDF format or simply fill out the application online and mail in the payment with your confirmation number.


2. Fill out the application form either with your computer (the form is editable) or with handwriting, and make sure that you check all the agreement boxes and sign at the bottom.


3. Issue a check with the corresponding amount payable to " All Stars Mandarin Center" and put a note on the check with the camper's name.


4. You may mail the check or drop off the check at the following two addresses

ASMC Office address:

1979 28th Ave. San Francisco

Summer Camp Site address:

3151 Ortega St, San Francisco, CA 94122

(A.P Giannini Middle School Main Office Mail Box)


Download Application Form

Session II: June 23rd~July 3rd

My Journey to the Land of Shénzhōu & Little Gourmet Enthusiast (我的神州之旅+小小美食家)

Detailed Course Curriculum/课程细节

​*the following curriculum may be subjective to cahnge depending on the condition of the weather, classroom size and other potential changes.


Morning Cultural Exploration:

Week 3:

-北京和万里长城(Běijīng & the Great Wall)

-西安和兵马俑(Xī ān & the Terracota Army )

-苏杭和丝绸之路(Sū Háng provinces & the Silk Road)

-景德镇与陶瓷(Jǐngdé Town & the Clay Pottery Art )


Week 4:

-香港和澳门(Hong Kong & Macau)  

-上海和东方明珠(Shanhai & the Oriental Pearl Tower)  

-台湾和小吃(Taiwan & Xiǎochī)  

-四川与熊猫(Sìchuān & Panda)


We will be covering the objective fun facts about these famous cities or provinces with interactive games and group project based lessons. We will also go into details with each cities regarding the fun plcaes to visit, famous celebrities from there, famous food, and historical and modern significane of the cities.


Afternoon Enrichment Activities:

Week 3:

-中国茶艺/Chinese Tea Ceremony:


Basic Chinese Tea Ceremony manners, inlcuding introduction to the different kinds of tea, history of the Tea Ceremony, and the basic Tea Ceremony procedures and acts. Tea is an important part of Chinese culture, and therefore the knowledge about tea is also an important part of knowing the Chinese culture.


-小小美食家/Little Gourmet Enthusiasts:

中国美食,时常是国人与外国朋友对中国文化的第一印象。我们将利用本周的时间制作饺子、馅饼,春卷、月饼等传统美食。还有就像综艺节目一样,备一些材料,让孩子们自己选,在规定时间里做菜,比如沙拉、水果拼盘,最后让大家选出"ASMC Top Chef"。

Chinese gourmet food, is the first impression from many people who think of the Chinese culture. We will teach how to make simple Chinese dishes such as dumplings, Chinese pancakes, Chiense Spring rolls, Chiense deserts and etc. And we will also host a "Top chef Contest", all the ingredients will be prepared and the students get to pick what they want to make within the limited time, and the student with the higest vote will be honored as the "ASMC Top Chef"*All students will be under supervision of our staff when flaming/high temperture and sharp utensils are involved.


Week 4:

-去帮妈妈买菜吧/Let's Go Grocery Chopping:

记得小时候妈妈会请孩子帮忙跑个腿,买个蛋或是葱。我们会利用这周的时间带孩子们熟悉超市里常用到的一些用语及词汇,更重要的是能够认出并说出一些食材,零食及生活用品的中文。K-5 的孩子们会有机会参与模拟现实情境的采购练习,而6-8年级的孩子们会有机会以小组的形式到附近的中国超市练习采购。Remember you morhter would ask you to get some eggs or veggies from the deli store down the street when she was busy cooking? We are going to use this week to teach some basic yet crucial vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in Chinese grocery stores. Moreover, we will teach them how to recognize verbally or visually what some ingredients, snacks and daily necessities are called/written in Chinese. K-5th graders will have a chance to participate in our "simulated grocery shopping prcatice" whereas the 6-8th graders will ahve a chance to go to a nearby Chiense grocery store in small groups for grocery shopping practice.


-跳蚤市场/Flea Market


Shopping is a crucial part of our living in this age; especially when you are in a Market in China, learning how to bargain has become a custom. Yet how to bargain to the lowest price without being rude and over-aggresive is a different story.









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