Stories and Testimonial of ASMC Students

Maya Terplan
APG Beginner class in 2012
APG Intermediate class in 2013
"I think learning Chinese with All Stars Mandarin is a great experience. Not a lot of people would have a chance to learn Mandarin even if they had no background in Mandarin. I'd like to share with you some fun things we have done in Chinese class at APG last year.
We went trick-or-treating around the classrooms. We learned how to sing a song called "Duìbùqǐ,wǒde zhōngwén bùhǎo" which translates "I'm sorry, my Chinese isn't that well" and we performed to the whole program at the end of the semester.
I also like learning all the different characters in Chinese and practice writing them on my own. The teachers are really nice and understanding, which encouraged me to continue with ASMC this year. Learning Chinese is super fun and it's a language you will never forget.”
-Maya Terplan, 7th grader

Kyither Min
APG Beginner class in 2011
APG Intermediate I class in 2012
APG Intermediate II class in 2013
The Mandarin Chinese language– I consider it a hard language due to its complexity in characters, variety in tones and confusing grammar rules. However, although I have zero Chinese heritage in me, I've been able to handle the challenge from this program so far, so I guess it’s reasonable to tell the rest of you all that Mandarin is not that hard ;P
I’ve been taking Chinese for 3 years now (I’m now currently in 8th grade) and I think I learned Mandarin to the best of my ability.
The teachers are like your friends who you can talk to about anything but they also make sure you learn the lesson and understand the homework assignments.
And I think that’s exactly the reason why I like the program. Because it explains one traditional Chinese idiom I learned,亦师亦友(yìshīyìyǒu), literally translates as" Also teacher, also friend" in English. I’ve gotten to the point where I can talk to all of my classmates and have a nice conversation with them in simple Mandarin. Of course, just with the limited vocabulary we know but that's something really cool to me personally.
The atmosphere of the classroom is also very cozy and warm. This program is now like a third home (second one being school) to me. We also go on fun field trips and have class parties.
Therefore, I can officially declare that I have no regrets attending Mandarin program with All Stars Mandarin Center at A.P.Giannini.
-Kiyther Min, 8th grader

Andrew Chiu
APG Beginner class in 2012
APG Intermediate class in 2013
"Hi, I'm Andrew Chiu. I started learning Mandarin with All Stars Mandarin Center last year, not knowing a lot of Mandarin. During my first year in the Beginner class, I learned a lot, and not only did the teacher taught us, but also guided us through the tough parts of the lectures together.
We also had lots of fun during special events and traditional Chinese feastivals, such as celebrating the Chinese New Year with Dimsum tea party, Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake party, and Spring Festival with traditioanl decoration handcrafting! After participating in this program for a year, I feel more confident about my proficiency in Chinese; not just in writing or reading Chinese characters but really knowing how to use it and apply it to myself as part of my communication skill.
After learning so much and had lots of fun, I decided to keep taking Mandarin with ASMC because I really enjoy All Stars Mandarin Center!"
-Andrew Chiu/赵伟汉 7th grader

Eunice Go
APG Beginner class in 2012
APG Intermediate class in 2013
Chinese is a very challanging language to learn. From the basic "pinyin, stroke counting to writing a paragraph and giving a presentation in Chinese. At first, I was being very much reluctant to learn another language, but after my mom's encouragement and advises, I slowly started to realize that learning Mandarin is a wonderful idea.
All Stars Mandarin Center has helped me out greatly in my beginning year although the teachers are strict, they are patient, genrous, understanding and fun to be with.
If you feel like all hope is lost, talk to the Mandarin teachers, they will help you with anything, relating to Mandarin, at your speed.
This is my second year with ASMC, and I could already tell that I have improved tremendously in my communication skills in Mandarin.
Thus, I recommend All Stars Mandarin Center to all those who are thinking about learning Mandarin.
-Eunice Go/吴爱恩, 7th grader